Terms of Use


All text, images and other materials on this Web site are protected by international copyright laws.

Unauthorized use, including reproducing, transmitting, distributing, and displaying, of any protected materials on this Web site is prohibited, except for fair use purposes as defined in the copyright laws and as described below.


Unless otherwise noted, materials, including text and image files, from Brand van Egmond website or Brand van Egmond’s Mediafiler site may be downloaded or printed solely for non-commercial, educational and/or personal use, without Brand van Egmond’s advance written permission provided that:

  • Only a single copy is downloaded or
  • Materials are not modified in any way;
  • Any copyright, trademark, or other proprietary notices that have been placed in the materials by Brand van Egmond are not removed.


Commercial use of Brand van Egmond’s materials is expressly prohibited without prior written permission from Brand van Egmond. Permission for such use is granted at the sole discretion of Brand van Egmond on a case by case basis. There may be a usage fee involved depending on the nature and type of the proposed use.


Brand van Egmond strives to maintain accurate information on this Web site and the Online Collection. However, we reserve the right to change information without notice and are not responsible for costs or grievances incurred as the result of such changes.


We encourage all individuals and organizations to link to our site. Please use this URL: https://brandvanegmond.com/  and notify us via e-mail that you have linked to our site. If you would like to use our logo as the link, e-mail your request for review.

The display of our logo and our images on the websites of our partners is permitted only after the explicit permission of Brand van Egmond.

General terms of Use, please carefully read: https://brandvanegmond.mediafiler.net/brandvanegmond/start/termsofuse


A website presentation of Brand van Egmond must at least contain:

  • A link to the Brand van Egmond website in the text or in the Brand van Egmond logo.
  • A description of Brand van Egmond. For sample texts, please contact us.
  • Each presented lighting sculpture on the website must at least contain the collection name, finish and article number.
  • Before publication of a Brand van Egmond website presentation and updates, a notification must be send.


  • Mention that the lighting and images are both of Brand van Egmond. Suggested text: Lighting sculptures and picture by @BrandvanEgmond.
  • When featuring a collection image or an interior image with our lighting, please mention the collection name and the text ‘design by William Brand of Brand van Egmond’.
  • A tag to our atelier @brandvanegmond is required in both the text and images, as well as the hashtags: #brandvanegmond #lightingsculptures.
  • When featuring project images of partners of Brand van Egmond, the social media presentation must contain a tag to both our atelier, as well as the project owner


  • The complete Brand van Egmond logo in black, sqaure with white boarder should be used whenever Brand van Egmond is to be included in any content.
  • The Brand van Egmond logo is available in the formats .eps., .jpeg and .DWG. If another format is required, please send us an email: info@brandvanegmond.com.
  • There should be sufficient clear space around the logo.


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